Business Team

This team will focus on rebranding to focus on NYU Hyperloop’s image globally, fundraise, and create advertising material. The Business team consists of 4 subteams.

The Marketing subteam will focus on creating material for VIP and general recruitment, social media, and look into advertising material for the entire project.

The Internal Affairs (IA) subteam is responsible for communication across teams, attendance, meeting minutes, VIP, etc. In a nutshell, IA keeps the entire organization connected and organized.

The Strategy subteam generates new ways to take NYU Hyperloop to new heights. Through research and analysis, this team finds creative ways to grow funding, materials, and attract new comers to the organization. They are responsible for discovering and approaching new sponsorships as well.

The Finance subteam is in charge of budgeting and tracking expenses. Any new sponsorships will be processed by this team to find the most effective method for spending.